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Protesting The HELL out of GSU

October 17, 2009

gsu courtyard

The video below shows the non-sense that took place at Georgia State University when some very passionate Christians came on campus to “witness” and try to “save souls” that were apparently going to hell in a hand basket. Unfortunately, I suppose it didn’t go according to plan. I’m actually not sure what they expected from the approach they took. Did they really believe that anyone would be receptive of someone telling them how they were all “going to hell with gasoline drawers!” I guess they did it for “the kingdom.”

But basically it ended up being a bad idea going somewhere to happen. They ended up doing more damage than good. I youtube’d several videos to see that people were talking about how they would rather be Muslim if this is how Christians acted.  So here’s where they might have gone wrong:

 Marching Around With Signs: This may not have been the best idea. Perhaps if your sign says something nice, but I’m not sure people take too well to signs that say that if you love sports you are going to hell. Yes, the sign actually said that. Shouting that everyone is going to hell doesn’t draw the masses. In fact scripture says that if Jesus be lifted up. HE would draw all men to him. (John 12:32) Yelling and screaming doesn’t do well to get people to change. Here’s what the Bible says on what motivates people to change: The goodness of God causes a person to repent (Romans 2:4). So it’s how GOOD God is that makes people think about changing.

Being Judgementmal: Really you don’t have to worry about judging people. The Word of God shines light. All you have to do is TEACH the Truth and it will convict the hearts of men. Here is what Jesus says in the book of John 12:47 (MSG translation)

“If anyone hears what I am saying and doesn’t take it seriously, I don’t reject him. I didn’t come to reject the world, I came to save the world. But you need to know that whoever puts me off, refusing to take in what I’m saying, is willfully choosing rejection. The Word, the Word-made-flesh that I have spoken and that I am, that Word and no other is the last word.”

You don’t have to concern yourself with whether or not they believe your words. You don’t have to yell and scream. You just have to simply lay out the truth in  truthful, loving way.

Here’s the mayhem:

One Comment leave one →
  1. portlandvasquez permalink
    October 21, 2009 3:29 pm

    LOL…I saw that as I was walking into the library and decided to stand and watch for a few minutes. It was fun! Like a tv movie…(but watching tv was probably one of the activities on one of those signs that would send me to hell). I only stood there as long as it took me to sip a few sips of coffee. Then, I turned to go in the library and study…(but, studying is probably one of those things that will send me to hell).

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